How strong can it get?
We usually say that waiting is part of the game. Not in Puck. In Puck it is windy.
Future legends
The Rehasport Clinic Formula Windsurfing World Championships has kicked off in style here in Puck, Poland
Class Rule C.6.2.1 – Limitations
This rule limits a competitor to the use of ONE (1) FOIL.
ELECTIONS - Annual General Meeting of the Formula Windsurfing Class
To be held on Tuesday 2nd July 2019, after racing, at the event venue, Puck
ELECTIONS - 2019 AGM of the FWC
Before the close of business at the forthcoming AGM there will be elections to the Class Committee and for the Class Chairman.
Agenda - 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Formula Windsurfing Class
To be held on Tuesday 2nd July 2019, after racing, at the event venue, Puck
A view from the chair
A personal opinion after many years racing and representing international formula windsurfing class.
Ramon Pastor is the 2019 Formula Foiling European Champion
5 races of really close racing, which from race to race got more intense. Championship title decided on the last leg of the last race.
Video summery of the 2nd foil event day
Very close racing in all 3 races today and 2 "presents" for Ramon Pastor from his friends Pont and Fernando. Lot of fun for all during the racing a good laugh at the end.
First day of foil Europeans [video]
Day 1 and big test of "low end" performance for all. Two races in the afternoon in light wind around 6-8 knots.